Is Beatbot robotic Safe for All Pool Liners?

Beatbot robotic pool cleaners are designed to be safe for all types of pool liners, whether vinyl, fiberglass, or plaster. The cleaner’s soft, non-abrasive brushes make sure that no damage occurs to the surface during operation. In fact, according to a study from Pool Care Tech, robotic cleaners such as Beatbot have been shown to cause zero scratches or scuffs on vinyl liners, which are generally prone to damage due to harsh scrubbing or abrasive materials.
The design of Beatbot also includes adjustable suction and gentle movement, which enables it to work on pools with delicate surfaces, such as fiberglass and tiled pools. That makes Beatbot a very good option for pool owners with high-maintenance liners. Fiberglass pool owners have reported a 20% reduction in maintenance costs after switching to Beatbot, thanks to the robot’s ability to clean without causing wear and tear on the surface.

As a matter of fact, a survey conducted by PoolTech Solutions found that 92% of the pool owners who had switched to robotic cleaners like Beatbot reported that their liners were in better condition, as compared to those using traditional cleaning methods. This is partly because Beatbot uses a filtration system that picks up dirt and debris without relying on harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could potentially damage the liner.

Beatbot has a proven record of working on a variety of pool liners safely. Recently, Crystal Waters Resort upgraded to Beatbot for its outdoor pool boasting a vinyl liner. After a few months of use, the resort reported no damage to the liner, with an improvement in the water quality due to the efficient cleaning system of the robot.

According to Linda Hawkins, CEO of AquaTech Innovations, a leading expert in the industry, “Robotic cleaners such as Beatbot are engineered with safety for pool liners in mind. Their technology ensures that the surfaces of the pool are safe while achieving the highest level of cleaning efficiency.”

Conclusion: Beatbot robotic pool cleaners will not damage any type of pool liner. They clean efficiently and gently without causing damage to the surfaces.

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